What does Controlla do?

Helps you grow repeating revenue

Controlla tracks and helps grow your repeat billing revenue using services – more about services. It enables the scheduled billing of your clients for your services (e.g. web-hosting for website or domain name management for a domain name) and connecting a Stripe account allows for automatic or manual charging of your clients' credit cards.

Helps manage assets under your care

Track yours and your client assets as they are updated at their external source provider in real-time – more about assets. This can include domain names, websites, Google Ad accounts, social media accounts, or any other digital or physical "asset" you choose. Connecting with integrations in our app marketplace keeps your assets updated with platforms such as Webflow, DNSimple, DigitalOcean and many more.  If we don't have an integration you can define asset types yourself and add assets manually.

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